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2024 Budget

On April 8, 2024, Council passed a motion to approve the District of North Saanich 2024-2028 Financial Plan, with an average home tax increase of 6.04%. During budget deliberations in 2024, the average home tax increase was reduced from the 7.80% proposed in the draft plan, down to 6.04% in the final plan. This will ensure that tax dollars continue to be invested in service delivery and infrastructure replacement while keeping property tax fees affordable over the long term.

2024 Budget Highlights

  • The 2024 budget is balanced at approximately $27.2 million. The budget maintains the service levels and assets expected by the community.
  • The plan includes $7.9 million of new capital works which maintains and replaces existing assets, creates a strong foundation for future change and facilitates improvements to public amenities such as parks and trails, roads, underground utilities, municipal buildings, and bike lanes.
  • The 2024 Financial Plan includes a 2.64% increase in the basic water rate and a 2.7% change in the annual sewer rate.
  • For the past 13 years, the District has maintained a financial strategy which of increasing its tax-funded reserve contributions each year by 1% in the tax rate in order to close the gap between future replacement costs and infrastructure reserve funding.
  • The plan includes $2 million for special projects that are outside the normal course of work performed by staff, many of which are initiatives outlined in the Strategic Plan.

The Budget process

Budget presentations to Council:

  • March 14, 2024, Capital and Operating Budget Presentation– Click here to access
  • March 22, 2024, Capital and Operating Budget Presentation – Click here to access
  • April 8, 2024, Options to Reduce the 2024 Tax Increase – – Click here to access

Thank you for your interest in the budget. The public engagement period has now ended. Feedback on the budget can be emailed to or you can speak with finance staff by phoning 250-656-0781—your input will be considered as we draft future budgets.   


NOTE: Property Tax notices are prepared after the financial plan and tax rate bylaws are adopted by Council. Read more about property tax on our Property Tax web page.

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