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Economic Development

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Economic Development

“Encourage compatible commercial and local business development” is 1 of the 5 Strategic Priorities of the District’s Strategic Plan. Local Government has been given the mandate to foster the economic, social and environmental well-being of its community. The vision that guides this strategic plan makes it clear that North Saanich is interested in economic development that complements our rural and marine characteristics and our commitment to protection of the natural environment. Our motivators are to support our agricultural economy, encourage appropriate business development at the Airport and facilitate limited commercial development desired by our neighbourhoods. In addition, we must ensure the economic viability of the District through a balanced, sustainable tax base.

Official Community Plan

An Official Community Plan (OCP) sets out the vision, goals and objectives for future land use and development in the District and contains policies to achieve this vision. This broad, over-arching policy document provides guidance and direction on a variety of topic areas including land use, environmentally sensitive areas, agriculture, rural character, housing, transportation, parks, and infrastructure and community amenities. The critical role of an OCP is to direct development, infrastructure and corresponding investments that will ensure a high quality of life for decades to come.

Please review our OCP to see if your proposal aligns with the visions, goals and objectives for future land use and development in the District.

South Island Prosperity Project

The South Island Prosperity Project (SIPP) is the economic development organization for Greater Victoria, B.C., comprised of 50 members, including ten local governments (including the District of North Saanich), seven First Nations, three post-secondary institutions, seven industry associations and non-profits, and 23 major employers, all working together to bolster our region’s economic and social prosperity. This will happen by catalyzing the creation of high-quality, household-sustaining jobs, so that more families can afford to live, work and build a life here. (South Island Prosperity Project Website (2019). About Us. Retrieved from

Business Licence

Every business in the District is required to have a business licence. Before applying for a business licence the business must be registered with BC Registry Services.

Development Applications

Visit the Development Applications page for information on current planning applications including Development Variance Permits, Development Permits, Zoning Amendments and Temporary Use Permits.

For more information, please contact the Planning and Community Services department.

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