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Your Community

North Saanich is a highly desirable rural-residential area. Its long coastline on three sides affords many housing sites with excellent views of water, islands and mountains. Its rolling interior lands afford views of hills and valleys and a generous feeling of open space and rapport with nature. These features along with proximity to air, land and sea transportation as well as urban centres such as Sidney and Victoria comprise an area said to be the finest rural-residential area in all of Canada.

Today, the community-like neighbourhoods which include Ardmore, Deep Cove, Curteis Point, Cloake Hill/Green Park, Dean Park and the Southeast Quadrant are on the periphery of a rich agricultural interior which is protected by the Provincial Agricultural Land Reserve. Agriculture is very important to the municipality, as evidenced in the number of farms, and road side produce and flower stands.

North Saanich has an extensive park and trails network linking municipal, provincial and Capital Regional District parklands, making it a very popular area for day hiking, cycling and horse back riding.

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