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Zoning Bylaw

The District’s Zoning Bylaw divides the municipality into zones. These zones regulate:

  • the uses and density of land, buildings and other structures
  • the uses and structures of marine surface water extending 300m from the foreshore
  • siting, size and dimensions of structures; and
  • the shape, dimensions, and area of parcels that may be created by subdivision.

To view an interactive zoning map for North Saanich, visit our GIS Mapping page.

Zoning and Development

  • Zoning Amendments: Applications to amend the zoning bylaw may be initiated at any time by any individual (with the owner’s consent) or by the municipality. Following a public hearing, Council may change a zoning designation through an amending bylaw.
  • Development Variance Permits may be issued by Council to vary the provisions of the Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws, except as they refer to use, density, and floodplain specifications.
  • Development Permits are used to ensure that developments are constructed in accordance with policies approved by Council. Development Permits are required when developing within a Development Permit Area, as set out within the North Saanich Official Community Plan. Please contact the Planning and Community Services Department prior to plan submission, as there may be guidelines in place that can affect important siting or design considerations.
  • Secondary Suites and Guest Cottages are one of the most effective tools for providing affordable housing. Every owner of a single-family residential dwelling that contains or is about to contain a secondary suite must hold a valid and current secondary suite permit. Any owner applying to construct a guest cottage or secondary suite must also acquire a Building Permit.
  • The Board of Variance may permit minor relaxation of regulations concerning siting, dimensions, and size of buildings and structures where strict enforcement of the Zoning Bylaw could cause undue hardship.
  • Subdivision can generally be described as the legal mechanism to create new, titled parcels of land. Where a proposed subdivision complies with the current zoning regulations for the parcel, applications are submitted to the District of North Saanich Approving Officer.
  • Temporary Use Permits (TUPs) allow for a use of land, on a temporary basis, not otherwise permitted in the District’s Zoning Bylaw. TUPs may be issued for a period up to 3 years from the date the permit was approved by Council. TUPs may be renewed once subject to Council approval.

For more information on zoning and development, please contact the Planning and Community Services department.

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