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Property Taxes

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Property Taxes

Property taxation is the most significant source of municipal revenue. The amount of money that is raised through property taxes each year is based on the budget (Financial Plan) approved by Council each year. A share of the total revenues required to fund operations is collected from each taxable property within the District, based on the assessed value of the property. Please note that only about half of the funds collected through the property tax notice are District revenues. The remaining half is collected on behalf of other agencies, including the Province of BC (School Tax), Capital Regional District, Capital Regional Hospital District, BC Assessment, the Municipal Finance Authority, and BC Transit.

Property tax notices are mailed to residents in late May each year. If you have not received your property tax notice by the end of the first week in June, please ensure your mailing address is up to date (this is done through BC Assessment).

To view your property tax balance owing, you can create an Online Services account.

Property Assessment (Valuation)

BC Assessment is an independent body that provides market value information on the properties to be taxed within the District of North Saanich. Notices of assessed values are mailed to each property owner at the end of December. These values may be appealed to the Property Assessment Review Panel (through BC Assessment) no later than January 31. For further information regarding property assessments, please refer to the BC Assessment website.

The values provided annually by BC Assessment are used to determine the tax rates that will generate the revenue required for District operations, as determined in the Financial Plan.

Tax Rates

For information on other municipal tax rates within the province of British Columbia, please click here.

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