Official 2019 By-election Results
Click here to access the results from our recent municipal by-election.
Click here to access the results from our recent municipal by-election.
The District was successful in its application to the BikeBC program for the West Saanich Road widening project (Willingdon to Tseycum First Nation). As a small community, the District was eligible for up to 75% of the project costs and…
Friends of North Saanich Parks is a group of energetic volunteers who go through our parks and help remove invasive plants. They have some work party dates set as follows and are inviting you to join them. No experience necessary…
Beacon Community Services, along with the North Saanich Fire Department, will be holding a Child Passenger Safety Clinic on Friday, February 22, 2019, from 1-3 p.m. at the Wain Road Fire Hall, 986 Wain Road. Hope to see you there!…
District of North Saanich Hires Tim Tanton as New Chief Administrative Officer North Saanich Council is pleased to announce the selection of Tim Tanton as the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the District of North Saanich. "On behalf of…
The new 2018 British Columbia Building Code comes into effect on December 10, 2018. Any applications for building permits applied for on or after that date will be subject to the requirements of the new building code. Further information can…