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Municipal Hall re-opening

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Municipal Hall re-opening

North Saanich Municipal hall will re-open on Monday, June 1 for people paying property taxes and utility bills in-person. If you can, please pay online. Only come to the hall as a last resort and follow the signs and markings…

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What’s new in North Saanich: May 21

The latest message from Council with lots of North Saanich updates is now online. Check it out: Council Message #8 The green waste facility is back to the regular schedule. The next drop-off date is Thursday, May 28, 8 a.m.…

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What’s New: Parks & Council Message

Pickleball and tennis courts at Wain Road Park are re-opening on Tuesday, May 18. Signage is being installed to remind players about health and safety precautions. The washroom will also re-open with enhanced cleaning service. All playgrounds remain closed until…

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Financial Plan Bylaw & Council Message

North Saanich Council will be considering the Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw 2020 - 2024 at the Special Council meeting on Monday May 11, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. View the agenda and watch the livestream at The public can provide…

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Green Waste Facility Re-opening!

Our green waste facility will re-open for North Saanich residents this Monday, May 11 with extended hours and days for the first week. We have adjusted operations to provide for physical distancing to protect residents and staff, including waiving fees…

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