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First Meetings of Our New Advisory Bodies This Week!

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First Meetings of Our New Advisory Bodies This Week!

Our newly-created advisory bodies are meeting for the first time this week!

Agriculture and Food Security Advisory Committee: This committee aims to actively involve members in providing input to assist the Council with decisions related to agricultural land use, proposed by-laws, and permits. They work under the guidance of the Local Government Act, Community Charter, Agricultural Land Commission Act, and Soil Conservation Act. 

Community Planning Advisory Committee: Focused on community planning and land use, this committee provides insights to the Council on proposed by-laws and permits, ensuring decisions align with the Local Government Act and Community Charter. 

Healthy Community Living Advisory Committee: This committee is dedicated to supporting community-focused decision-making regarding land use and community planning. They provide recommendations on proposed by-laws and permits governed by the Local Government Act and Community Charter. 

The committees allow members to share their insights and expertise while providing recommendations to Council on matters that affect North Saanich.

To learn more and check out the schedule, please visit the Meeting Portal.

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