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Corporate & Annual Reports

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Corporate & Annual Reports

Each year, the District of North Saanich produces annual and corporate reports that provide an overview of the key accomplishments and significant projects, as well as detailed financial statements.

Annual Reports

In accordance with Section 98 of the Community Charter, progress toward the North Saanich vision and objectives is reported each year in the Annual Report.

Strategic Plans

The North Saanich Strategic Plan sets out Council’s focus and strategic priorities on a multi-year basis. The plan is an “umbrella policy” that sets the context for all that we do and helps to align specific plans having to do with finance, land use, solid waste, information technology, infrastructure and parks.

Financial Plans

Financial Statements

Statements of Financial Information (SOFI)

The District of North Saanich prepares an annual Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) in accordance with the Financial Information Act.

Official Community Plan

The District of North Saanich has numerous community plans and policies to guide growth and change within our municipality. The Official Community Plan (OCP) is the most important, providing primary guidance. In concert with other plans and policies, the OCP provides a flexible framework to advance District initiatives.

Learn more about the District’s OCP.

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