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Marine Task Force

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Marine Task Force

The origin of the Marine Task Force (MTF) was created out of a 2004 economic planning sub-committee report on the marine industry in North Saanich. From the sub-committee report it was recommended that the District review permitted uses and restrictions within the Marine Zones.

The MTF report was finalized in June 2008 and presented to Council at the July 21, 2008 meeting. In 2008 Council directed staff to prepare a staff report on the implementation of the Marine Task Force Report. The Marine Task Force Work Plan presented to Council at the August 2010 council meeting was a multi-year work plan with 51 recommended actions. The remaining Marine Task Force recommendations were then included within the District of North Saanich’s Strategic Plan until 2019. In 2020, the review and consideration of the Marine Task Force recommendations has been identified as part of the OCP review and update.

Next Steps

The review and consideration of the Marine Task Force recommendations have been identified as part of the OCP Review and update. For more information please visit our engagement portal.


The origin of the Marine Task Force (MTF) was created out of a 2004 economic planning sub-committee report on the marine industry in North Saanich. From the sub-committee report, it was recommended that the District review permitted uses and restrictions within the Marine Zones. Staff drafted a terms of reference for a Marine Task Force and Council approved the Terms of Reference in the fall of 2006. The primary focus of the process was the protection and enhancement of the economic and environmental marine assets of the District.

Over a 14 month period, the MTF sent out questionnaires, heard presentations from guest speakers, and met with a variety of groups and stakeholders. The MTF report was finalized in June 2008 and presented to Council at the July 21, 2008 meeting.

The specific objectives of the Marine Task Force were:

  1. Review and possibly recommend changes to permitted use and restrictions of the current [2008] seven (7) marine zones around the North Saanich Peninsula.
  2. Develop and recommend a method to inventory sensitive shoreline areas.
  3. Review and assess effectiveness of existing District of North Saanich bylaws, policies and procedures with respect to marine foreshore developments.
  4. Recommend new policies, as required, to protect marine environments and regulate new marine development, within the context of the OCP and federal and provincial regulations.

The Marine Task Force undertook extensive consultation with the community and addressed, in detail, key areas of the marine related aspects of the District, including:

  • Current marine and foreshore uses
  • Existing boating and (marine) transportation facilities
  • The existing (2007) Official Community Plan (OCP) and marine related components
  • Zoning Bylaw No. 750, 1993 (since repealed)
  • Foreshore Lease Policies
  • The existing (2008) North Saanich Permitting Process
  • The current and expected future economic impact and outlook for the Marine Industry [in DNS]
  • North Saanich Policy [marine] options
  • Marine/Foreshore usage and zoning
  • The existing Shoreline Inventory
  • Review of relevant legislation, policies and procedures that address, protect, and/or enhance Marine and Foreshore habitats

At the August 11, 2008, Council meeting, staff were directed to prepare a staff report on the implementation of the Marine Task Force Report. The September 23, 2008 staff report, presented at the September 29, 2018 Council meeting, included 21 recommendations and implementation actions. The Marine Task Force Work Plan presented to Council at the August 2010 council meeting was a multi-year work plan with 51 recommended actions. The MTF included a 4-year public consultation program with community stakeholders.

The MTF Report was also considered as part of the framework of planning documents that informed the OCP Marine Policy and Guidelines Recommendations for Sea Level Rise Planning and Adaptation Report (Section 2.3) prepared by SNC-Lavalin in January 2017.

The 2022 Strategic Plan includes the initiative to “bring forward to Council the remaining Marine Task Force recommendations and work plan”.

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