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Drainage Master Plan and Tsyecum Creek ISMP Update

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Drainage Master Plan and Tsyecum Creek ISMP Update

The draft plans of the Drainage Master Plan and Tsyecum Creek ISMP are now available for public information. Staff have scheduled to bring the plans to the January 30, 2023 Regular Meeting of Council for discussion and adoption.

Drainage Master Plan: The Drainage Master Plan serves as a guide for how we plan, operate, and maintain our entire drainage infrastructure in the coming years with consideration to anticipated climate change impacts. The work will identify levels of service, system deficiencies, and priorities for potential upgrades.

Tseycum Creek Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP): The ISMP studies the Tseycum Creek and McDonald Park Road Drain watershed to better understand the relationship between drainage servicing, land use, and the environment. The plan will help us manage our stormwater through recommended infrastructure improvements and best practices that preserve how our ecosystem functions.

To learn more about the Drainage Master Plan and Tsyecum Creek ISMP please visit

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