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It's Emergency Preparedness Week!

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It’s Emergency Preparedness Week!

May 5-11 is Emergency Preparedness Week. Get prepared! Emergencies can happen at any time and without warning. 

With a little preparation, you can respond quickly to help yourself and others. Understand the risks in your area, create a household emergency plan, and build an emergency kit. 

Some hazards to prepare for in our community include earthquakes, tsunamis, severe weather (ex. winter weather, storms, extreme heat, and drought), and wildfires. 

Have you built your emergency kit yet? Don’t forget to include these items: 

  • First aid kit and medications 
  • Copies of important documents such as insurance and identification 
  • Phone charger 
  • Non-perishable food and plenty of water 
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank flashlights and radios 

Stay informed! Saanich Peninsula Alert delivers critical and potentially life-saving alerts to anyone who has registered. Alerts are sent for events such as earthquakes, tsunami alerts, evacuation notices, or other safety threats. Visit Saanich Peninsula Alert – District of North Saanich to learn more about Saanich Peninsula Alert. 

To learn more about staying prepared please visit Emergency Management in B.C. – Province of British Columbia (

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