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Next public engagement phase for Tree Bylaw Review starts March 23, 2022

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Next public engagement phase for Tree Bylaw Review starts March 23, 2022

  • News

The District of North Saanich invites residents to participate in the next round of public engagement on the Tree Protection Bylaw review, starting today with an online survey.

“Reviewing and updating the current Tree Protection Bylaw, from 1999, is a priority for Council,” said Mayor Geoff Orr. “Council is aware of the need to balance tree protection and the associated ecological and climate change related benefits with the desire of property owners to undertake landscaping and tree maintenance.”

Through this next phase of public engagement, residents are encouraged to provide feedback on alternatives that Council is considering as it refines the draft Tree Protection Bylaw. In particular, Council requested more public feedback about:

  • Trees that can be removed under the annual allowance;
  • Requirements to replace trees removed; and
  • Permit fees.

Recognizing that residents are busy and may prefer various ways of meeting, learning, and sharing their thoughts, the District has designed three different ways for residents to participate:

  • An online survey, at
    • Wednesday, March 23 – Friday, April 22. If residents would prefer a paper copy of the survey, please call 250-656-0781 or pick one up at Municipal Hall (1620 Mills Rd.).
  • Two (2) in-person open houses at Municipal Hall:
    • Thursday, April 7, 5 pm – 7 pm
    • Saturday, April 9, 11 am – 1 pm
  • Virtual open house (via Zoom):

Residents are welcome to attend any or all of these engagement events. If time is limited, or residents are already familiar with the Tree Protection Bylaw review, they may find it more efficient to only participate in the survey.

If residents would appreciate a deeper introduction into the Tree Protection Bylaw review, and more context about how and why the Project Team is drafting a new bylaw, the open houses may be a better fit.

The two in-person open houses at Municipal Hall are wheelchair-accessible, and no advance registration is required. Attendees are encouraged to bring their smart phones, tablets, or iPads so they can fill out the survey while attending the open houses.

For more information, background documents, and to subscribe to project updates about the Tree Protection Bylaw review, visit

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