Sumac Park fuel mitigation work (complete)
February 29 update:
The fuel management in Sumac Park and Eugene Bailin Memorial Trail has been completed! The work was complete thanks to grant funding, in partnership with North Saanich, UBCM, British Columbia FireSmart, Strathcona Forestry Consulting, Hammer Canes Co., and Cullen Tree Services.
Fuel mitigation work in Sumac Park began this week. Hammer Canes co. is carrying out the work (funded through a Provincial FireSmart grant). This includes removal of ladder fuels and invasive species. Avian breeding and nesting assessments will be conducted to ensure no harm comes to our fine feathered friends!
Background information: Sumac Park and the Eugene Bailin Trail were identified as proposed treatment units through the Community Wildfire Protection Plan created in 2021. A grant through UBCM is funding the wildfire fuel management in these locations and is currently underway through a private contractor.
Sumac Park was recommended for treatment due to its proximity to private residences and presence of hazardous fuels. Primarily composed of mixed wood conifer-dominant stand (60% conifer or greater). Patches of dense understory conifers with low crown base heights. Treatment will reduce wildfire risk to residents surrounding Sumac Park and ignition potential from park and trail users. Fuel management will improve access for fire first responders. Treatment will provide aesthetic value to park users through pruning and thinning of dead and suppressed trees. Thinning from below will accelerate older growth succession by reducing stem density and crown closure. Treatment will enhance security sightlines. The project will profile to residents and park users the importance of fuel management.

For any questions or concerns, please call the Wain Road Fire Hall at 250-656-1931.