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About North Saanich

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About North Saanich

The District of North Saanich is located at the north end of the Saanich Peninsula, approximately 25 kilometres north of Victoria, British Columbia, on southern Vancouver Island.

North Saanich exists on the traditional territories of the W̱SÁNEĆ people. Specifically, the BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin) First Nation and W̱SĺḴEM (Tseycum) First Nation are an active and vital part of our community, and the District is committed to respectfully and appropriately engaging these nations in matters of common interest.

The District, surrounded on three sides by 40 kilometres of ocean shoreline, is home to the Victoria International Airport, and the Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal.

This area historically emerged from several coastal focal points inward to the interior of the Peninsula. Today, the community-like neighbourhoods, which include Ardmore, Deep Cove, Curteis Point, Cloake Hill/Green Park, Dean Park, and the South East Quadrant, are on the periphery of a rich agricultural interior which is protected by the Provincial Agricultural Land Reserve.  Agriculture is very important to the municipality, as evidenced in the number of farms, and road side produce and flower stands.

District of North Saanich Crest

Facts and Statistics

IncorporatedAugust of 1965
PopulationApproximately 12,000
Size4,015 hectares (9,921 acres)
LocationOn southern Vancouver Island, 25 kilometres (16 miles) north of Victoria, the capital city of British Columbia
LandmarksVictoria International Airport and Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal

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