Cy Hampson Park
Cy Hampson Park is a 3.5-hectare waterfront municipal park located on Lochside Drive, between the waterfront and Patricia Bay Highway in North Saanich. The park contains a flat open grassed area with a wheelchair accessible walking trail and pathways that lead to a pebble beach. Cy Hampson Park is significant as a testament to the public will of the North Saanich community to preserve landscapes for recreational and cultural use. The District of North Saanich first established the park in 1976 as Bazan Bay Park. Additionally, it is significant for its commemoration of local naturalist, Dr. Cyril (Cy) G. Hampson, who owned property adjacent to the park. The park gains further value as the original location and eastern section of the Dominion Experimental Station in North Saanich, one of numerous nationally-based experimental farms founded by Dominion Experimental Farms. Established in 1886, the program set out to test and modernize farming practices across Canada.
Character Defining Elements
- Location east of Lochside Drive, parallel to the waterfront;
- Continuous public use for recreation since 1976;
- Inclusion as park of Lochside Regional Trail;
- Open spatial qualities including a large grassed area with wheelchair accessible trails;
- Maintenance of connection to the waterfront through two trails that lead to a terraced picnic location and a pebble beach;
- Large wooden sign marking entrance to park supported by rough dressed granite columns.