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Official Community Plan (OCP)

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The Official Community Plan is currently being reviewed. Find out more

What is an Official Community Plan?

An Official Community Plan (OCP) sets out the vision, goals and objectives for future land use and development in the District and contains policies to achieve this vision. This broad, over-arching policy document provides guidance and direction on a variety of topic areas including land use, environmentally sensitive areas, agriculture, rural character, housing, transportation, parks, and infrastructure and community amenities.

The critical role of an OCP is to direct development, infrastructure and corresponding investments that will ensure a high quality of life for decades to come.

The North Saanich Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1130, 2007

Official Community Plan Maps and Schedules

What is a Regional Context Statement?

Additionally, the OCP includes a Regional Context Statement within Section 16 which demonstrates how the District is consistent or working towards consistency with the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS). The Capital Regional District (CRD) Board adopted an updated RGS in March 2018. The District adopted an updated Regional Context Statement in February 2020.  

The below document is the Draft OCP document prepared by MODUS in late 2022. It is incomplete and provided here for informational purposes only.

Official Community Plan Review

The District is currently conducting a review of the OCP. Please visit our engagement portal for project updates.

For further information, please contact the Planning and Community Services department.

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