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Housing Targets and Legislation

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Housing Targets and Legislation

Provincial Housing Target Order

In September 2023, in an effort to address the housing crisis, the Province began establishing housing targets for communities across BC. On July 30, 2024, following discussions with District staff, the Province announced that it had issued a housing target order for the District of North Saanich.

Housing Target Progress Reports

Housing Target Reports are required to contain information about progress and actions taken by a municipality to meet housing targets as identified in the Housing Target Order (HTO).

Provincial Housing Legislation FAQs

The new Provincial housing legislation introduced in 2023 is designed to increase the diversity and amount of housing supply in the coming years. Below are some frequently asked questions and answers related to this new legislation and how it impacts North Saanich and its Official Community Plan.

How does Bill 44 (small-scale multi-unit housing) affect the municipality of North Saanich?

By June 2024, residential zones are required to permit 3 or 4 dwelling units on parcels existing wholly or partly within an Urban Containment Boundary, depending on the size of a property, or 6 units in proximity to transit. The municipality of North Saanich does not have any land within the Urban Containment Boundary so this was not a requirement for us.

Has the Province changed secondary suite regulations?

The Province has stated that Secondary suites and/or accessory dwelling units are allowed province-wide in single-family residential zones where 3-6 unit zoning is not required, in all municipalities and regional district electoral areas.

North Saanich currently broadly permits secondary suites within single family dwellings in the zoning bylaw, satisfying this new requirement.

Does the Province have any Secondary Suite incentives?

In April 2024, the Province, through BC Housing, introduced the Secondary Suite Incentive Program (SSIP).

The SSIP will be a three-year pilot program to provide conditional financial assistance to help homeowners construct long-term affordable rental units, including secondary suites and/or accessory dwelling units attached or detached from the unit that the homeowner resides in.

Qualified homeowners would be eligible for a forgivable loan covering 50% of construction costs for installing a new secondary suite or accessory dwelling unit, up to $40,000.

The loan will be available in the form of costs rebated to the owner after construction is complete and an occupancy permit is issued.

The loan will be forgiven if the homeowner meets certain conditions, including renting the unit at below-market rates, as specified in the program criteria, for a minimum of five years.

More information about SSIP can be found on BC Housing’s website and includes an option to sign up for emailed updates.

Have the requirements for Public Hearings changed?

Yes, Bill 44 has changed the requirements for Public Hearings for Zoning Amendments for residential use.  Municipalities are now prohibited from holding public hearings associated with residential use zoning bylaw amendment applications that are consistent with the Official Community Plan.ous

What about Housing Needs Reports (HNR))? Is North Saanich required to do this?

Yes, Bill 44 states that Growth Planning in Official Community Plans (OCPs) must allocate “sufficient residential development potential” forecast as needed for population growth over a 20-year period. This was previously a 5-year period. With the receipt of updated Housing Needs Reports, local governments must newly amend OCPs and zoning bylaws every 5 years in combination to demonstrate 20-years of housing potential. Official Community Plans (OCP’s) and zoning bylaws are required to be updated by the end of 2025 which will demonstrate the number of housing units forecasted are accounted for in the new OCP and zoning. Housing Needs Reports are prescribed publications under the Local Government Act that establish a consistent projection of population and housing needs across the Province. New ‘Housing Needs Reports’ using an updated methodology must be prepared by January 1, 2025.

How does Bill 46 affect North Saanich? Do we have development cost charges?

In part, Bill 46 – Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act, 2023 alters Development Cost Charges (DCCs) under the Local Government Act. The Bill adds a new ability to collect Amenity Cost Charges (ACCs) associated with funding amenities needed due to increases in workforce or residents resulting from increased development. These tools are intended to support areas with density mandates under Bills 44 or 47.  North Saanich does not levy Development Cost Charges at the local government level on new development, so this Bill does not apply to us at this time.

I have heard that transit-oriented development will allow for higher density in North Saanich. Is this true?

Bill 47 – Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act, 2023 states new mandates for ‘transit-oriented development’ by requiring increased development potential close to transit stops outlined through Provincial documentation. Currently there are no transit stops in the municipality of North Saanich, including the McTavish Exchange, that are subject to these new requirements to designate transit-oriented areas with minimum development potential.

Is the municipality looking at changing lot sizes in the review of the OCP? Are we going to allow for more flexibility with regard to detached suites (cottages)?

Municipal staff are currently researching options for Council to consider regarding minimum lot sizes and changing requirements for carriage houses or detached suites (gentle density).  Staff will have those details in draft form by late fall 2024 for Council to consider as part of the OCP process./

The zoning bylaw is fairly dated, are we due for an update?

The zoning bylaw is targeted for a full update in 2025. After the OCP is completed, planning staff will draft a new zoning bylaw and have that for Council’s consideration in 2025.  There will be a public consultation component to the process.

I have heard that housing targets for North Saanich have been released by the Provincial Government, where can I find this information?

Residents can view the documents at the top of this page.


Where can I find the latest information on the Official Community Plan Process in North Saanich?

Residents can go to the 2024 OCP project page at Connect North Saanich to read the latest news or check-in on the OCP process. The connect north Saanich site also gives users access to all the projects the municipality is working on.

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