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CleanBC Rebate

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Home Renovation Rebates

North Saanich homeowners can receive a top-up for their energy efficiency home renovation in addition to rebates offered through the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program. The District is offering the rebate top-up for heat pump installation.

The Clean BC program, from BC Hydro, FortisBC, and the Province of BC, provides rebates for select home energy efficiency upgrades. The program focuses on switching from fossil fuel heating systems to high-efficiency air-source heat pumps. Visit the CleanBC website for more information.

The District is offering the top-ups listed below on a first-come, first-served basis. To apply, follow the links below to CleanBC (top-ups are administered by Clean BC).

Offer   Amount   Description
North Saanich Fuel Switch Heat Pump Top-Up   $350.00  

This is an added rebate for participants that switch from a fossil fuel (oil, natural gas or propane) heating systems to an electric air-source heat-pump. Participants can either install a fully electric heat pump system or can install a dual-fuel heat pump system with back up fossil fuel heating (furnace).

This municipal offer is in addition to the $3,000 heat pump rebates currently available through the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Program.

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